PMS company

Pooyeshgaran Magnetometric Systems
  1. The first and only gradiometer product maker in the nation to receive a knowledge-based certification from academic institutions
  2. The only manufacturer of advanced 3-axis gradiometers in the Middle East with official approval
  3. The only company with proprietary and advanced scanning analysis software in the form of Windows and Android
  4. The only company providing quality warranty (comparison with the world's brand products by the user) in Iran
  5. With more than 8 years of experience in providing advanced and scientific educational materials to users and other production partners
+450 Educational Video
+250 Satisfied customer
+250 Satisfied customer
+450 Educational Video

How to scan

Learn zero-to-mastery correct and specialized methods of scanning and introduce operator tickles.
only in Pooyeshgaran...

Visualizer Training

Learn scan image analysis and interpretation methods in Visualizer from scratch to mastery with over 5 hours of subspecialty training and real-world examples. only in Pooyeshgaran...

Why pooyeshgaran

Proprietary Software PMS Visualizer3D

‌‌ Android Software PrisMag

Unlike other local manufacturers, all Pooyeshgaran items, as well as the company's exclusive, professional, and elegant software, will be introduced to loyal consumers for the first time in Iran.


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